Events Calendar
The ordination takes place during the celebration of Mass. The
bishop questions the candidate who makes promises to serve
faithfully as a priest. The litany of saints is sung to invoke their
intercession before this sacrament is conferred. The person is
ordained by the laying on of hands of the bishop and all priests
present, as it has been done since the time of the apostles, and by
reciting a prayer of consecration. After he is ordained the new
priest is clothed in the distinctive vestments of the priest. His hands
are anointed with oil, consecrating them so that he might use them
to bless others. He is presented with the chalice and paten then for
the celebration of Mass. Finally the newly ordained priest
concelebrates Mass with the bishop for the first time.
The ordination next week (Saturday 19th October at 1pm) is
open to all and is a wonderful experience for those who have never
been to one before.
On the day following his ordination the new priest will celebrate
Mass for the first time. This is a moment of special joy for him, his
family and friends. We are fortunate that Simon will celebrate
his first Mass at our 10.30 Mass on 20th October. Please make a
special effort to come. After the Mass the new priest will give out
his first blessings.
Balmoral Road