Lancaster Cathedral

an oasis of calm in the heart of the City

Daily Mass Celebrated
Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm
The Bishop's Chair
Cathedra (Chair)
The Mother Church of the Diocese of Lancaster

Reaching out to the City and to the World

Always Open for Prayer ...
... And Praise!
St Thomas More Church

Sunday Mass at 9:00 am


Ninth Bishop of Lancaster

Bishop Paul Swarbrick
Your prayers are kindly requested for Bishop Paul Swarbrick. Last Friday, he was injured whilst exercising on his bike. He was admitted to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and diagnosed with a fractured skull and with damage to his left ear. Today, Sunday, he was discharged so that he could continue his recovery at home. He would appreciate your prayers. It would appear that he is well on the road to recovery but with any such injury it could take some time. We remember him by name at every Mass but especially so at this time. 
Thank you all for your prayers.

While we are still in lockdown and unable to worship collectively in church, please submit any prayer requests you may have on this form. The Prayer Request form can be found underneath the Parish menu link above. The submitted prayer requests can be found there too. Let us continue to pray for each other and the world.

{ BreezingForms : prayerrequest }

Since the 4th Sunday of Lent I have been videoing a Children's Liturgy and posting it on Facebook and YouTube for those families feeling isolated during this time of lockdown - the page is called 'Colour and Shape'.

The YouTube channel can be found by searching 'Children's Liturgy Colour and Shape' and the Facebook page is @colourandshapeonline. 


  (last week's video - 4th Sunday Eastertide)

We sing lots of songs, listen to the Gospel, reflect in a creative way, and share our prayers with each other. The videos have been received very positively, and families have found the structured prayer time a great help in these pressured times! 

If you think families in your diocese might benefit from knowing about Colour and Shape please feel free to share the page via Facebook or send out the Youtube link!

Best wishes

Eleanor Oliver 

(Arundel and Brighton Diocese)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The radiance of the risen Lord shines upon us. At a time when so many shadows are cast into our lives, and upon our world, the light of the resurrection shines forever to renew and restore our hope.

In the words of our Holy Father, Pope Francis: “In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: he is risen and is living by our side.” (27 March 2020)

Download: Spiritual Communion Easter 4.

Service of Spiritual Communion. 

Third Sunday of Easter 2020.